The first of our video diaries! I admit, I'm a bit of a novice at this sort of thing so hopefully we can improve them over time. We just thought it would be a fun way to communicate with you in a more personal way. Will try to get Katie, Emma (and their friend Rachel who is over today) to make one next. Don't forget that distressed hoodies are $8 off right now and there is free shipping through Feb 10 with code FEBSALE6. Enjoy the rest of your weekend b & b fans!!
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Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Take $8 Off Select Distressed Hoodies This Weekend

This frigid weekend is a great time to buy a warm and cozy bread + butter junior's distressed hoodie. And we're having a sale on two of our most popular color combos. You can take $8 off the regular price of the chocolate hoodie with neon pink logo and signature or the pink hoodie with silver grey logo and signature. Visit our shop and get either one this weekend for just $34.18 when you enter coupon code COLOR2010 (for the U.S.) or CADCOLOR2010 (for Canada). Act fast. This offer is only good until February 1, 2010.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
Weekend is a State of Mind

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Bread + butter announces Golden Sticks

It's Katie. Today I will be giving out mini awards. I've decided to name them the Golden Stick Awards (as in butter, get it?).
Okay here goes (drum roll please)
Congratulations!!! You are dedicated to the blog, comment frequently, and help us spread the word. Rachel is our awesome little intern. (and takes very good care of our fish.)
Our next award is for the fan who keeps us in check and makes sure we are always on our toes and providing updates each and every day. And the best keep-in-check award goes to...TAYLOR S.!!! Thanks Taylor, if we miss a day you let us know. What would we do without you?
And finally,

More awards will be going out soon so if you do something awesome for us you may see your name up next time. Thanks again to everyone who helps us out!!
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Striving to Underachieve

Speaking of relaxing, I've never been very good at it. I have always been a type A personality - times 10. And it's a double-edged sword. On the one hand, well, you get a lot done, you "achieve" things. But on the other hand, you are constantly looking to achieve the next thing which means you sometimes forget to just relax and celebrate where you are now.

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Monday, January 25, 2010
Rainy Days and Mondays

Okay time to go get into some "work" clothes. Have a great night.
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Sunday, January 24, 2010
bread + butter loves Hats for Hunger
10 year old Montpelier Vermont native Andrew Castle started his own company,, in an effort to eliminate hunger and change the world. Like the bread + butter project, HatsForHunger is helping raise money for the Vermont Foodbank. Andrew's story is very similar to Katie and Emma's. His interest in hunger issues began with Heifer International, and now he is working to make a difference in his community. Great job, Andrew. Keep up the good work. Watch his video and check out his website and buy a hat. Don't need a hat? The bread + butter project has lots of other clothing items that help support food banks throughout New England.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010
brunch this weekend helps feed hungry Bostonians

Our partners at the Greater Boston Food Bank want to remind you that this weekend brings a perfect opportunity to help support their Super Hunger Month activities, including brunch at some of Boston's top restaurants. Super Hunger Brunch is Super Hunger Month’s crown-jewel as hundreds of individuals take advantage of the generosity and creativity of Boston’s most dedicated restaurants that donate their time, food, fine services, and 100% of their proceeds to offer an exclusive brunch to benefit The Greater Boston Food Bank this Saturday and Sunday. Learn more and make a reservation on the Super Hunger Brunch website.
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Friday, January 22, 2010
bread + butter mobile?
In addition to my day job and work on bread + butter, I’ve been spending too much time in recent weeks thinking about my next vehicle. Now that both O’Rourke family vehicles are wholly owned and paid in full, I should be enjoying the precious few months sans car loan payments and socking away more money in the 529 college savings accounts. Instead, I’m convinced that each new day will be the day my glamorous 2004 Subaru Legacy sedan will kick the bucket, leaving me in urgent need of a replacement vehicle, and forcing me to pay too much for a stupid car I don’t like. Not that I’ve been there before...
So I’ve begun the search. On one hand, I feel very fortunate that for the first time in my life, I can think about getting something a bit nicer than my typical basic commuter car. On the other hand, I’m overwhelmed with the number of choices and features available to me. While I’m determined to not wander aimlessly throughout dealer lots, the many websites that are designed to help me compare and contrast different makes, models, features and accessories leave me dazed and confused, and no closer to a decision. I’m not a gear-head. I know I want something safe and reliable, but do I need a navigation system and satellite radio? How much torque does a guy like me really need, and what exactly is payload anyway? And, while I’ve been focused primarily on mid-sized German and Japanese sedans, I’ve recently had the strange and uncontrollable urge to investigate GMC trucks. Just this morning, while shaving, I said to my reflection in the mirror, “I’m Tom O’Rourke. I live in Newburyport. And I drive a truck.” I am from Massachusetts after all. But I digress.
Having purchased many lemons over the years, I’m determined to get it right this time, but I’m limited by my history of being frugal. I paid $100 for my first Buick, which was two different colors, and lasted me two years. Not a bad return on investment. That same year, my little brother paid $150 for a skateboard. Maybe I’ll get a car that will help promote our business – the bread and butter mobile. It could be shaped like a loaf of Rye or a baguette, and would probably be a tax write-off. But it might not come with limited slip differential or an interior active charcoal air filter. Wish me luck. I’m off to another multi-hour series of searches on Vehix, Edumunds, and…
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So I’ve begun the search. On one hand, I feel very fortunate that for the first time in my life, I can think about getting something a bit nicer than my typical basic commuter car. On the other hand, I’m overwhelmed with the number of choices and features available to me. While I’m determined to not wander aimlessly throughout dealer lots, the many websites that are designed to help me compare and contrast different makes, models, features and accessories leave me dazed and confused, and no closer to a decision. I’m not a gear-head. I know I want something safe and reliable, but do I need a navigation system and satellite radio? How much torque does a guy like me really need, and what exactly is payload anyway? And, while I’ve been focused primarily on mid-sized German and Japanese sedans, I’ve recently had the strange and uncontrollable urge to investigate GMC trucks. Just this morning, while shaving, I said to my reflection in the mirror, “I’m Tom O’Rourke. I live in Newburyport. And I drive a truck.” I am from Massachusetts after all. But I digress.
Having purchased many lemons over the years, I’m determined to get it right this time, but I’m limited by my history of being frugal. I paid $100 for my first Buick, which was two different colors, and lasted me two years. Not a bad return on investment. That same year, my little brother paid $150 for a skateboard. Maybe I’ll get a car that will help promote our business – the bread and butter mobile. It could be shaped like a loaf of Rye or a baguette, and would probably be a tax write-off. But it might not come with limited slip differential or an interior active charcoal air filter. Wish me luck. I’m off to another multi-hour series of searches on Vehix, Edumunds, and…
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Thursday, January 21, 2010
In the Wild, There is No Health Care (and other random thoughts)
Hey all, Sue here
Poor Tom is feeling all achey today so we are crossing our fingers that he isn't coming down with something. (No offense but you know how men are when they are sick...I'm just saying.)To make matters worse, he is shopping for a new car which is probably his least favorite pasttime, well, besides watching anything starring Angela Lansbury. He will lament about his car buying troubles in a separate post this week.

Katie didn't get another callback for her "Fetch with Ruff Ruffman" audition (a PBS show produced here in Boston). I have to say that she handled the disappointment quite well. Hey, you can't win if you don't try. Ask Scott Brown.
We are gaining followers and fans on Facebook and Twitter every day. I hope you will help us to build our fan base even more and spread the word about bread + butter and what we are trying to do to help food banks across the country. If you haven't checked out our new LOVE line, what are you waiting for? Valentines Day is right around the corner. Order now and get free shipping (use code FEBSALE3 at check out.
Okay, so I am off tomorrow and looking forward to getting a haircut, even though with thick, curly hair, it never EVER looks any different. I wake up the next day and "bam" I am once again Nancy Bradford (you remember Eight is Enough, right?) I am exhausted and looking forward to plopping down on the couch to enjoy a new episode of The Office...since this is a timely topic, let's remember Dwight's view of healthcare from season 1: "In the wild, there is no health care. In the wild, health care is, 'Ow, I hurt my leg. I can't run. A lion eats me. I'm dead.' Well, I'm not dead. I'm the lion. You're dead."
Gotta love him. Good night everyone!
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Katie didn't get another callback for her "Fetch with Ruff Ruffman" audition (a PBS show produced here in Boston). I have to say that she handled the disappointment quite well. Hey, you can't win if you don't try. Ask Scott Brown.

Okay, so I am off tomorrow and looking forward to getting a haircut, even though with thick, curly hair, it never EVER looks any different. I wake up the next day and "bam" I am once again Nancy Bradford (you remember Eight is Enough, right?) I am exhausted and looking forward to plopping down on the couch to enjoy a new episode of The Office...since this is a timely topic, let's remember Dwight's view of healthcare from season 1: "In the wild, there is no health care. In the wild, health care is, 'Ow, I hurt my leg. I can't run. A lion eats me. I'm dead.' Well, I'm not dead. I'm the lion. You're dead."
Gotta love him. Good night everyone!
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Emma's original song for bread + butter; Listen up!
As promised yesterday, here is Emma's original song. We are so proud of our girls' thoughtfulness and willingness to put themselves out there for our brand and for a wonderful cause. Who knew they would write original songs and be willing to record them and publish them on the Internet? Coming from someone who mouths the words to hymns in church, on those rare occasions when we make it, this is indeed impressive. Great job, Emma. I encourage all of our followers to take a listen and then to heed Emma's final words: Do it (make a purchase that is)!
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Monday, January 18, 2010
A voice like butter on a biscuit...(or emma sings for her bread)
Well fans, we've decided that we are going to share more of ourselves with you. That means we want you to get to know us better while still focusing on our efforts to grow the bread + butter brand. We talked over dinner tonight and we think you need to have a better idea of who we are as individuals and the "inner" workings of our family. So...we need to be willing to be pretty vulnerable - sharing the good, the bad and the "I-can't-believe-I'm-going-to-publish-this" stuff.
Emma is our first brave soul who is willing to share something with you tonight. In just the past half hour or so she wrote a quote and a song (Just to be clear, I will NEVER be singing for you and trust me, you should be relieved. If you ever heard my Karoake rendition of Patsy Cline's "Crazy" many moons ago you would understand.) Okay, I'll turn it over to my 10-year-old baby girl.
Hi peoples, It's Emma! I wanted to show you my quote and song that I wrote. This is the quote:
Don't be the loser who sits on the couch, be the winner who is online giving something and getting something!
And here is the song:
give something
get something
learn something
enjoy something
to be continued...
check back tommorow and see the whole song and a video of me singing it!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi peoples, It's Emma! I wanted to show you my quote and song that I wrote. This is the quote:
Don't be the loser who sits on the couch, be the winner who is online giving something and getting something!
And here is the song:
give something
get something
learn something
enjoy something
to be continued...
check back tommorow and see the whole song and a video of me singing it!!!!!!!!!!!
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Saturday, January 16, 2010
bread + butter launches new "LOVE" line
Hello b & b fans, Sue here.
We are really super excited because today is the day!! We are launching our brand new LOVE LINE which is here just in time for Valentine's Day. (That's me at left in my new shirt that arrived today!) Guys, looking for something special for her? This is the answer. A stylish shirt that reflects the sentiment of the day AND gives something back to some pretty needy folks. How can you do better than that?
WAIT!! You CAN do better. Now through February 10th, we will give you FREE SHIPPING! Yup, free shipping. Share this site with your friends and make a guy's day. Ditch the flowers and chocolate - they don't last. This is a gift that just keeps on giving!! At checkout, use promotional code:
So...what are you waiting for? Click any of the shirts at the top of this page and you'll be in our store. Happy Valentine's Day!!
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WAIT!! You CAN do better. Now through February 10th, we will give you FREE SHIPPING! Yup, free shipping. Share this site with your friends and make a guy's day. Ditch the flowers and chocolate - they don't last. This is a gift that just keeps on giving!! At checkout, use promotional code:
So...what are you waiting for? Click any of the shirts at the top of this page and you'll be in our store. Happy Valentine's Day!!
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Friday, January 15, 2010
bread + butter has our first actor endorsement!

We also included a picture of Caitlin and Mark Wahlberg at the wrap party of the film - very cool! We are looking forward to the movie which is already getting a lot of buzz. Thanks for your support Caitlin

Happy Friday everyone. Our new Valentine's Line will be coming out THIS WEEKEND. Check back often. ~Sue
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
5th and Counting - More Hope and Help for the New Year

We asked all of our New England partners to provide some post-holiday comments. See what Greater Boston Food Bank has to say about Hope and Help for the New Year.
“More than 83,000 people benefit from the stable supply of nutritious food that The Greater Boston Food Bank distributes each and every week. We do this every week every month of the year because hunger does not go away once the holidays are over. And this year, as you can imagine, the need for food is great because of a lackluster economy that has a lot of families struggling to make ends meet,” says Sarah Christensen, Acting Director of Development. “We also know that during the colder winter months more people are forced to choose between heating their homes and paying for food, so we have declared January Super Hunger Month to raise awareness and money to help fight hunger in our community. For more information about this year’s activities and how you can get involved in the fight against hunger visit”
What do you have to say about hope and help for the new year? Click "comments" below to add your thoughts. or visit our SHOP
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
"Fetch" a few bread + butter shirts and help feed a family

Good news, Katie got a call back from the casting company for the PBS show "Fetch with Ruff Ruffman." Although Emma did not, she was a great sport and so supportive of Katie. We were so proud of how she handled the disappointment. What a great kid. About 2,000 kids tried out and they called back 240. We head back to Boston tomorrow for Katie's 2nd audition so keep us in your thoughts. Should be great fun!
On a much lighter note, American Idol premieres tonight and that is a huge guilty pleasure here at the O'Rourke household. The bread & butter team will be glued beginning at 8pm. We just can't help ourselves. Are you fans too?
Have a great night. Will try to get one of the girls to check in tomorrow.
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Monday, January 11, 2010
See what NH Food Bank has to say about Hope + Help for a New Year

“The New Hampshire Food Bank would like to thank everyone that helped by donating to make the holidays brighter for so many hungry individuals in our state. The holiday season always brings a sense of benevolence to people and despite the troubled economy, this year was no exception. However, when the holidays pass, unfortunately the issue of hunger remains. We hope that we can keep the spirit going throughout the year, so that we may continue to feed more than 80,000 people that need our help.” – Melanie Gosselin, Executive Director, New Hampshire Food Bank
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Sunday, January 10, 2010
Fetch with bread + butter...and other stupid random silly stuff
Hey everyone, Sue here.
Happy Sunday. We just got back from bringing the girls to open audtions for the PBS show "Fetch with Ruff Ruffman" in Boston. For those of you in my generation, it's sort of like a modern day Zoom. We should know by Tuesday whether either of them get a call back. Keep your fingers crossed!
We are watching the Patriots game and then we have a 40th birthday party. Happy Birthday Mindy! The girls also had their first day of skiing yesterday with the ski program they're in. A busy - but fun - weekend.
So, Katie and her friend Dana started a Web site called "Stupid Random Silly Stuff". Should we be concerned since that Web site is getting more interest from the girls at the moment than this project? Nah, it's kids being kids. It's actually pretty clever.
We expect to have the new V-day line of shirts out by the end of this week. Stay tuned and a shirt, feed a family. Go Pats.
P.S. Emma created a new poll (in the right hand column), through which you can vote for your favorite bread + butter blogger. Pick your favorite today. Use the comment feature below to explain your choice. Visit our SHOP

So, Katie and her friend Dana started a Web site called "Stupid Random Silly Stuff". Should we be concerned since that Web site is getting more interest from the girls at the moment than this project? Nah, it's kids being kids. It's actually pretty clever.
We expect to have the new V-day line of shirts out by the end of this week. Stay tuned and a shirt, feed a family. Go Pats.
P.S. Emma created a new poll (in the right hand column), through which you can vote for your favorite bread + butter blogger. Pick your favorite today. Use the comment feature below to explain your choice. Visit our SHOP
Saturday, January 9, 2010
hope + help for a new year #3
Another seasonal update from another one of the bread + butter project's nonprofit partners...
“This season, in spite of a troubled economy and high unemployment, Rhode Islanders generously rallied together to make the holidays brighter for thousands of their neighbors in need. As we begin a new year, and enter the cold winter months, we at the Rhode Island Community Food Bank hope for the continued support of the community as we work to put food on the table of those who otherwise may go without. Sadly, hunger has no offseason.” - Andrew Schiff, Chief Executive Officer of the Rhode Island Community Food Bank
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“This season, in spite of a troubled economy and high unemployment, Rhode Islanders generously rallied together to make the holidays brighter for thousands of their neighbors in need. As we begin a new year, and enter the cold winter months, we at the Rhode Island Community Food Bank hope for the continued support of the community as we work to put food on the table of those who otherwise may go without. Sadly, hunger has no offseason.” - Andrew Schiff, Chief Executive Officer of the Rhode Island Community Food Bank
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Friday, January 8, 2010
Bread + butter guest blogger Dana weighs in!
Hi Guys!
It's Dana (one of Katie's friends).
I just got a sneekpeek at the upcomming line of clothing and you are gonna LOOOVE it! (I know I did). IT REALLY ROCKS! I have a feeling that even people who arent really into fashion are going to love it anyway. I'm not supposed to tell you any more but I gave you a few hints! Lets see if you can figure it out! <3

Oh wait, our quote of the day that we made up today:
"Don't be the candle wax that slowly melts away; be the everlasting flame of beauty and strength that never dies!"
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It's Dana (one of Katie's friends).


Oh wait, our quote of the day that we made up today:
"Don't be the candle wax that slowly melts away; be the everlasting flame of beauty and strength that never dies!"
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Thursday, January 7, 2010
More Hope and Help for the New Year - Vermont Foodbank Weighs in
This is the second in our series of post-holiday comments from our nonprofit food bank partners.
“Vermonters have stepped up in a big way to support the work of the Vermont Foodbank this holiday season, and we could not be more grateful for this. Yet we ask you to please remember that hunger is a year-round problem in our communities. Nearly 40% of the Vermont Foodbank’s clients cite having to choose between paying for food and paying for utilities and heating fuel. Twenty-eight percent report choosing between paying for food and paying for medicine and medical care. With your assistance we can ease the financial burden for those we serve by helping them to provide healthy meals for their families.” - John Sayles, CEO, Vermont Foodbank.
Check out yesterday's post from the Maine. Use the "comments" feature below to add your thoughts on hunger in New England and Hope and Help for the New Year. Visit our SHOP
“Vermonters have stepped up in a big way to support the work of the Vermont Foodbank this holiday season, and we could not be more grateful for this. Yet we ask you to please remember that hunger is a year-round problem in our communities. Nearly 40% of the Vermont Foodbank’s clients cite having to choose between paying for food and paying for utilities and heating fuel. Twenty-eight percent report choosing between paying for food and paying for medicine and medical care. With your assistance we can ease the financial burden for those we serve by helping them to provide healthy meals for their families.” - John Sayles, CEO, Vermont Foodbank.
Check out yesterday's post from the Maine. Use the "comments" feature below to add your thoughts on hunger in New England and Hope and Help for the New Year. Visit our SHOP
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Hope and Help for the New Year; Thoughts from bread + butter's food bank partners
Now that the winter holidays are behind us, and as we look forward to a new year, the bread + butter project asked its six New England food bank partners to send us their thoughts on the theme of "Hope and Help for the New Year." Our friends in Maine were the first to respond.
“Good Shepherd Food-Bank is grateful to our donors who helped to make this holiday season a holiday without hunger for many in our state. We hope that throughout the year, those that can, will continue to support the Food-Bank as we work to provide food to the more than 175,000 Mainers that do not know where their next meal will come from.” - Rick Small, Executive Director, Good Shepherd Food-Bank.
Please click on the "comments" feature below to add your thoughts on hunger in New England and Hope and Help for the New Year. Visit our SHOP
“Good Shepherd Food-Bank is grateful to our donors who helped to make this holiday season a holiday without hunger for many in our state. We hope that throughout the year, those that can, will continue to support the Food-Bank as we work to provide food to the more than 175,000 Mainers that do not know where their next meal will come from.” - Rick Small, Executive Director, Good Shepherd Food-Bank.
Please click on the "comments" feature below to add your thoughts on hunger in New England and Hope and Help for the New Year. Visit our SHOP
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
bread + butter helps feed hungry families, one shirt at a time
Latest news from the "Wicked Local Parents" website:
Instead of changing the channel, two sisters decided to change the world. bread + butter helps feed hungry families, one shirt at a time
By Karin Conrad
Short on cash, a woman in a Walgreens TV ad faces an agonizing choice: paying for food or her prescription drugs. For most, the scene is just another ad, but Katie O’Rourke, 12, was moved to tears by the woman’s suffering. Instead of changing the channel, she and her sister, Emma, 10, decided they would change the world. Sitting in the living room of their Newburyport home, Katie and Emma turned to their mom, Sue Tabb, for advice on what they could do to help people struggling to put food on the table. They could have done what many families do – donate canned goods or write a check – but they had more ambitious ideas. “Mom said we could do something instead of nothing,” says Katie. So, they brainstormed and decided to design clothing, sell it on the Internet and donate some of the profits to organizations helping feed the hungry. Within days, the girls and their mom, along with dad, Tom O’Rourke, had put their heads and talents together to launch their new business.
As a family, they came up with a business plan, including a name reflecting the project’s emphasis on basic necessities – bread + butter - and a logo. As a way to document and share their experience, they also decided to write a family blog about the project for the first 365 days. They located a printer to put their project name and logo on clothing, designed a Web site, and, in September, the girls officially registered their business at Newburyport City Hall. Through donating half their profits from online sales of their sweatshirts, tees, totes and other products to food banks, bread + butter has already had a significant impact. Currently, the project partners with food banks in all six New England states. The family hopes to expand nationally in 2010 and, at some point, even internationally.
Read the full story.
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Instead of changing the channel, two sisters decided to change the world. bread + butter helps feed hungry families, one shirt at a time
By Karin Conrad
Short on cash, a woman in a Walgreens TV ad faces an agonizing choice: paying for food or her prescription drugs. For most, the scene is just another ad, but Katie O’Rourke, 12, was moved to tears by the woman’s suffering. Instead of changing the channel, she and her sister, Emma, 10, decided they would change the world. Sitting in the living room of their Newburyport home, Katie and Emma turned to their mom, Sue Tabb, for advice on what they could do to help people struggling to put food on the table. They could have done what many families do – donate canned goods or write a check – but they had more ambitious ideas. “Mom said we could do something instead of nothing,” says Katie. So, they brainstormed and decided to design clothing, sell it on the Internet and donate some of the profits to organizations helping feed the hungry. Within days, the girls and their mom, along with dad, Tom O’Rourke, had put their heads and talents together to launch their new business.
As a family, they came up with a business plan, including a name reflecting the project’s emphasis on basic necessities – bread + butter - and a logo. As a way to document and share their experience, they also decided to write a family blog about the project for the first 365 days. They located a printer to put their project name and logo on clothing, designed a Web site, and, in September, the girls officially registered their business at Newburyport City Hall. Through donating half their profits from online sales of their sweatshirts, tees, totes and other products to food banks, bread + butter has already had a significant impact. Currently, the project partners with food banks in all six New England states. The family hopes to expand nationally in 2010 and, at some point, even internationally.
Read the full story.
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Monday, January 4, 2010
bread + butter enters twitter madness

Okay, I am officially obsessed. Trying to learn more about tweeting, twibbons, re-tweets, tweet-up, twits, and too many other twicks to even mention. Wow, now I know what people mean - you can spend hours learning how to navigate and effectively manage this stuff!! But it's fun too. If you are not following bread + butter, what are you waiting for? This is going to be just too darn good to miss.
Hint about our new t-shirt line coming out: We think you will love it. Yeah, that's the clue. More tomorrow.
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Sunday, January 3, 2010
A very thoughtful gift; Thanks, Abbey!

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Saturday, January 2, 2010
This bread + butter girl tabling the resolutions
Happy New Year bread + butter fans! I hope you enjoyed the past week of festivities. Here we are facing a weekend of taking down Christmas decorations, catching up on homework and maybe squeezing in a little tubing or a movie. I thought I would take this opportunity to share a column I wrote last year about resolutions that still rings pretty true for me. I hope you enjoy it. Check back tomorrow for some new "limited time only" bread + butter products. It's snowing here in Newburyport, MA!
Ah, good old January is here. A month when we start fresh, forgetting all those disastrous decisions we’ve made, mounting debt we’ve accumulated and filthy habits we’ve acquired. A time when we lie to ourselves that the new year ahead will be different; we will exercise more, eat healthier, and write that novel we know is inside us somewhere. We will buy that gratitude journal that Oprah insists we need, and spend our evenings chronicling what we are thankful for rather than watching those silly reality shows like Big Brother and Mama’s Boy.
Snap out of it!
If you’re anything like me, the likelihood of any of that happening is about the same as seeing Angelina Jolie eat a pastrami sandwich. So just relax in the knowledge that you are among friends in your synthetic, superficial existence. In fact, this year, I’m reveling in my ability to face the ugly truth head on. I will be no better this year than in past years; in fact, odds are that I’ll be just a little worse. Let’s face it, there are episodes of Sex and the City still worth watching; good wines that have yet to be tasted, and plenty of people just begging to be mocked. There are offensive jokes and little white lies that need to be told. And there is plenty of chocolate to be eaten.
So I will vow to be simply who I am this year because, after forty-and-a-few years, it is unlikely that I can affect any real lasting change. Imagine Donald Trump spending a holiday in a soup kitchen or Regis Philbin not talking about himself incessantly? Yes, these would be welcome changes but almost creepy due to their sheer improbability. So I figure, why scare the people who love me by going to the gym, eating fiber or learning a second language?
If I keep my standards preposterously low, they will not be forced to adapt to the new and improved me. I’m doing this for my family (and for Angelina, who can take the good deed award for adopting 27 more children).
Now, in true David Letterman style, I will state the top 10 reasons you should avoid making any resolutions this year. However, since coming up with 10 reasons would be far too taxing a goal, I will lower the bar and provide just seven – less writing for me, less reading for you. It’s really a win/win situation.
Refusing to make any resolutions will:
•Save you the embarrassment of being laughed at you when you unveil the newest plan for how you will attain your financial freedom…in 10 days or less.
•Help you avoid being accountable for your bad behavior. Hey, you didn’t promise a rose garden.
•Start a new trend – the slacker resolutionists. It has a nice ring to it.
•Save a tree; think of the paper you’ll spare by not writing down any goals. Be sure not to speak them aloud either…or even think about them.
•Spare you the time and agony of reading those self help books like “Eat, Pray, Love” and “The Secret.” Self-Discovery. Awakening. Acceptance. (Blah. Blah. And Blah.)
•Help others understand “tis always better to underpromise and overdeliver.” Promising absolutely nothing is a surefire way to beat expectations.
•And finally…show the world that you are comfortable in your own skin – even if it just covers up your lazy, no good, do nothing body.
Don’t you feel better now, knowing there are a whole lot of us out there that do not aspire to greatness? I mean, who needs to learn German or publish a book; there are plenty of us that are thrilled when we find a good parking spot, get that perfect cup of coffee or have another parent tell us that our kid is well mannered. Does this make us bad people?
In these crazy, uncertain times, I resolve only to be a good person. If I am successful at that, anything else – splitting an atom, winning a Pulitzer Prize, running a marathon – is all gravy. And if that makes me a slacker, well maybe I can live with that.
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Snap out of it!
If you’re anything like me, the likelihood of any of that happening is about the same as seeing Angelina Jolie eat a pastrami sandwich. So just relax in the knowledge that you are among friends in your synthetic, superficial existence. In fact, this year, I’m reveling in my ability to face the ugly truth head on. I will be no better this year than in past years; in fact, odds are that I’ll be just a little worse. Let’s face it, there are episodes of Sex and the City still worth watching; good wines that have yet to be tasted, and plenty of people just begging to be mocked. There are offensive jokes and little white lies that need to be told. And there is plenty of chocolate to be eaten.
So I will vow to be simply who I am this year because, after forty-and-a-few years, it is unlikely that I can affect any real lasting change. Imagine Donald Trump spending a holiday in a soup kitchen or Regis Philbin not talking about himself incessantly? Yes, these would be welcome changes but almost creepy due to their sheer improbability. So I figure, why scare the people who love me by going to the gym, eating fiber or learning a second language?
If I keep my standards preposterously low, they will not be forced to adapt to the new and improved me. I’m doing this for my family (and for Angelina, who can take the good deed award for adopting 27 more children).
Now, in true David Letterman style, I will state the top 10 reasons you should avoid making any resolutions this year. However, since coming up with 10 reasons would be far too taxing a goal, I will lower the bar and provide just seven – less writing for me, less reading for you. It’s really a win/win situation.
Refusing to make any resolutions will:
•Save you the embarrassment of being laughed at you when you unveil the newest plan for how you will attain your financial freedom…in 10 days or less.
•Help you avoid being accountable for your bad behavior. Hey, you didn’t promise a rose garden.
•Start a new trend – the slacker resolutionists. It has a nice ring to it.
•Save a tree; think of the paper you’ll spare by not writing down any goals. Be sure not to speak them aloud either…or even think about them.
•Spare you the time and agony of reading those self help books like “Eat, Pray, Love” and “The Secret.” Self-Discovery. Awakening. Acceptance. (Blah. Blah. And Blah.)
•Help others understand “tis always better to underpromise and overdeliver.” Promising absolutely nothing is a surefire way to beat expectations.
•And finally…show the world that you are comfortable in your own skin – even if it just covers up your lazy, no good, do nothing body.
Don’t you feel better now, knowing there are a whole lot of us out there that do not aspire to greatness? I mean, who needs to learn German or publish a book; there are plenty of us that are thrilled when we find a good parking spot, get that perfect cup of coffee or have another parent tell us that our kid is well mannered. Does this make us bad people?
In these crazy, uncertain times, I resolve only to be a good person. If I am successful at that, anything else – splitting an atom, winning a Pulitzer Prize, running a marathon – is all gravy. And if that makes me a slacker, well maybe I can live with that.
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