Monday, September 28, 2009

Your ideas needed - Help us out!

A lot of you have asked what you can do to help us, beyond buying bread + butter products. Here is one way: As we get ready to expand the bread + butter project throughout New England, with a nonprofit food bank partner in each New England state, we're looking to develop an attention-getting event or activity that will help launch and promote the expansion. And we need some creative ideas. What can we do that will help put us on a bigger map and make a bigger impact? No idea is too crazy. Put on your thinking caps and use the comment feature to send us your ideas. Thanks for your help, and keep spreading the word.


Click the green "comments" below to add your thoughts or visit our shop by clicking here


  1. Hiya! i know this isn't really an idea but i was wondering... WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FISHIES?????????????????????????????????????????? I <3ed those guys! please put them back on. pretty pleeeeeeeeease
    <3 Rachel

  2. HI guys,
    I have a couple of ideas in my head that might be of some use!:

    1. Developing some sort of cookbook. Many concepts could work with this and can include nutritional info, hunger stats, "comfort food" recipes, stories and recipes from fans, "the best belly filling recipes" and so on....

    2. Sell dish towels, oven mitts and trivets with the "Bread and Butter logo.

    3. Start a line of nice woven baskets with pretty liners that have the logo embroidered on it.

    4. Create a line of flavored butters (maple, garlic, herb etc...)Maybe could be sold with the baskets during the holidays. Could be a great gift for holidays, housewarmings, showers.....etc....

    That's all I have for now.... If anything else comes to mind, I will let you know!!


  3. Oh poor fishies. Yes, we had to clean their tank but they will be back tomorrow. Keep on feeding them. They love that!!

  4. What GREAT ideas,
    I love them all. I especially love the idea of the cookbook and cooking products. I think we'll research that.

    Best "belly filling recipes...very good.

    Also like a holiday line of flavored butters or jams. Nice work!!

  5. I like the cookbook idea. I think you should call it bread + butter recipes for change because you are making a positive change by helping bread + butter, and the recipes are affordable ones that you can make with just a little bit of money. Make your blog followers help you write it by having them submit the recipes and then posting them on the website. This could be a regular feature that keeps people coming back. I think you need more interactive features on the blog. This could be one. What are others?

    Another idea is to have the TV Diner show do a special on the best breads in New England and let you be the 'sponsor' and come in to plug the bread + butter project.

    Another one is that you could find stores that would let you 'set up shop' for a day and talk about your project, show some of your products (kind of like a trunk show concept), and bring a laptop to show people your blog and let them make orders on line. You might choose stores/shops/bakeries that have something to do with bread - or others that have a history of bringing people in to promote things that help the community. I think Borders books might have some kind of program like this, but I don't know the criteria.

    Another idea is to do something that you could call bread + butter across New England. I don't know what that would be, but I like the name. Maybe it's part of the visiting stores idea - or something completely different like a bike event or marathon. Or maybe it's a bread-baking competition you could sponsor for New England artisan bread bakers with celebrity judges. (and that might be part of the TV Diner thing.

    Last - make some products that are state specific. People might want to buy a shirt that is the RI one, or ME, etc.

  6. WOW!! You're hired.
    We are loving all your ideas and will consider every single one of them. These are so terrific and well thought out. This is EXACTLY what we are looking for from our readers. And yes, yes, yes, we want features that will make our blog more interactive. More soon...


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