BAM! This guy is heating things up in the kitchen with his bread + butter apron. Get one now for all the little cooks in your life. Better yet, layer the apron with a bread + butter long sleeve T, take a picture, and send it to us at info@breadandbutterproject.com.
Camera shy? We're always looking for more bread + butter recipes for change (those that are affordable and fill lots of bellies). Last night, as I noticed Sue working on her laptop, Emma staring at her DS, and Katie eyeing both her laptop and the TV, I put down my blackberry, shut off several of the screens and told the girls to come into the kitchen. Together we made some bisquick banana muffins, and put in some food coloring to turn them green. The kids thought that was hysterical. I thought it was better than watching TV. Want to see more bread + butter supermodels? Just enter the words: 'Get your bread' into the search box (scroll down on lower right column) on our blog to find previous posts. You can use the same feature to find our first two recipes for change. Will you submit the third?
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How cute is this boy? I absolutely love this picture. What a sweetie. Thanks for sending it in!!