It is Emma's turn to blog be she has been hard to pin down. She is so awesome at keeping us on track during our family bread + butter meetings, coming up with great ideas and keeping everyone excited about the project. Blogging, well not so much. Every time I tell her it's her turn, she claims to have blogged the day before...hmmm.
Well it's Friday and that's good news. First thing in the morning, we are heading off to Western Mass (where I grew up) to take part in the Buddy Walk. I get to see two great friends of mine - we go way back to high school - so I'm excited. We are walking in Rylie's Circle of Friends, for a little girl who is very special to us. Unfortunately, Tom has to stay back to catch up on some work.
On Sunday I plan to get to the gym and do some work on bread + butter. There is much to do - we are trying to work out a plan to promote our products for the holidays, find some additional ways to bring products to our customers (in addition to our online store) and develop some new design ideas. ~Sue
WAIT...THERE IS AN EMMA SIGHTING!! Yes, she is here, live and in person.
Hi, It's me Emma!
We're thinking of putting our products in stores. If you know anyone who has a store and might be interested, please let us know. And my answer to the random question about who on the planet I would choose to spend an hour with is my mom, my dad, and my sister. I guess that's really three. Dad says tomorrow we'll announce a new partner. Check back to see which state it will be.
Bye all human beings and especially those with moustaches.
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Sue, It's not nice to lie to your bread and butter family ;-) Others may believe you when you say "On Sunday I plan to get to the gym" but I know better. If there is one person I can trust to hate to sweat as much as I do... it is you!
ReplyDeleteWhat are you going to try to pawn off on the unsuspecting masses next... that you are going camping?