Hey b & b fans...

Yes, it's Cyber Monday, and what does that mean? Well, nothing unless you take advantage of all the great deals on the net today. Remember this is the LAST day to enjoy 25% off bread + butter products with a minimum order of $40. Just use CYBER39 at checkout. Hint: tweens and teens LOVE the distressed hoodie. And most importantly, every sale benefits food banks who are in desperate need with the increased number of people who need assistance.
So, it's Monday and that means back to school and work after a long weekend for most of us. I have to say that since I work Tues-Thurs there is a part of me that hears a choir of angels singing as the bus pulls away. I love having my house to myself, even though I have to clean it, do laundry, run errands and pick up all the leftover Christmas boxes strewn about.

Did I mention I'm having trouble walking up the stairs today? Yeah, thought I'd be a hero and run rather than walk on the treadmill yesterday. That's working out well for me.

We have a television interview with FOX on Thursday so we need to prep the kids - they will be the only ones interviewed since this project was their inspiration. They are excited, especially since they will miss the first couple of hours of school. Hey, kids will be kids. And by the way, isn't it there turn to blog???? Good thing they're so damn cute.
More tomorrow of course. And hey, comment or write to us...won't you? We love hearing from you. info@breadandbutterproject.com or just click the green "comments below. Visit our
running rather than walking on the treadmill? clearly this is Sue writing...
ReplyDeleteBless your hearts.. You girls are doing a great thing for the community. I know how hard it is to put food on the table for your family. There needs to more people out there like your family. Thank you from The Espada Family. I will also spread the butter to others about this great thing your family is doing.