Hey everyone, Sue here. Boy, Monday's seem to have an uncanny way of sneaking up and ruining the weekend just when you were getting into the relaxation groove. Anyway, here we are and tonight I am struggling to share because I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed with our list of things to do. Not only on the personal front - homework, activities, work, holiday prep - but on the bread + butter front as well.

There are just so many ideas going through our little brains as we prepare to take it to the next level. It is exciting and intimidating all at the same time. The bottom line is we want to let more people know about us and there are just so many vehicles to explore.
Should we start a newsletter?
Should we buy more radio advertising?
How can we hook up with a local retail partner or bread shop and do a partner promotion?
Should we do trade shows? Videos? Drop flyers from the sky?
I'm reading a book write now called "Leap, 101 Ways to Jump Start Your Business" and I'm enjoying it but it makes me want to implement all of it NOW. I'm very challenged in the area of patience, as in I have none. There are so many professionals I would like to hire but our budget doesn't allow for it so we are learning as we go, but we are headed in the right direction.

And most importantly for us, we are determined to continue in a way that stays true to our mission. Even if that is slow and steady, (which isn't my nature) we are going to do it right. We figure if every action has the ultimate purpose of providing our customers with an opportunity to make a difference through our brand, than there are no real mistakes. Just learning moments.
We are fortunate to have partners that are committed to helping us succeed and stay focused on our goal. Katie & Emma are pretty good about that as well. Thanks my little darlings. Love you both and good night. mom.
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