Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Poor Katie!

Hey b & b fans, it's Sue. As I sit to write to you I realize that it is now just two days until Christmas. Emma is absolutely off-the-walls excited. She has been bouncing out of bed every morning, frantically doing the countdown. "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve Eve, Mom!" (in my face, at 6am) Katie has been sidelined with a bad case of strep throat and tonsils the size of golf balls. Our poor baby is on antiobiotics but still feeling pretty miserable. We are crossing our fingers that she turns a corner tonight since she's been on the medication for 48 hours now. I hate to see my kids sick, as does every parent. At least we are not traveling since we host Christmas. We'll keep you posted.

The rest of us are well except that I am still in a state of disbelief that another birthday has come and gone. How can I be 45? Seems hard to imagine but you can't argue the numbers. I thought I would take this opportunity to share a column I wrote last year about the merry event. (I am a freelance columnist in what little spare time I have!) Click here to read.

The orders for bread + butter products have been great these past couple of months, thank you to all who have supported us. Please remember that the need continues well after the holidays are over. Keep spreading the word about us!

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  1. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW MY POOR WITTLE KATIE KINZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FEEL BETTER SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    <3 Rachel

  2. Sue, Poor Katie, I hope she rounds the bend soon! I totally sympathize as I myself just got over a nasty case of took a good 48 hrs. on antibiotics, but by day 3 I felt much better so hopefully she will too! Best wishes for a wonderful and healthy Christmas!

  3. I just read your column, it made me laugh. I also have a December birthday, and know exactly how you feel about the whole Christmas on the beach thing for birthdays. Totally not cool!

    Go Sag's and hope Katie gets better! Happy holidays, Taylor S.

  4. YES! the fishies are BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, here's what i want...
    6 fishies
    lime green = Squanto
    hot pink = Gretchen
    yellow = Twix
    turquios = Huavo
    purple = Shmooshie
    red = Franklin
    I hope those dweebish names will work!!!
    <3 Rachel

  5. Hey. im back with color name attachation.
    green = squanto
    red = franklin
    peach = gretchen
    white = smooshie
    yellow = twix
    yellow = huavo
    k, hope it'll work this time.
    <3 Rachel


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