Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ellen Should Wear B & B Shirt on Idol! (right?)

Hello peeps,
Katie reporting for duty!
Ok back me up here. Who in the world would look better in a B&B shirt then the one and only ELLEN DEGENERES? (and no I'm not talking about you Joy) She would look just so downright fashion forward. Come on let's here it. ElLEN! ELLEN! ELLEN! ELLEN! Ms Degeneres please!! It's for a wonderful cause!! And anyone who has any sense at all (and watches American Idol) should know Ellen is a new judge and she totally rocks!! Well if your Ellen's wardrobe person or you have "connections" with her, please hook her up right now with one of our fabulous shirts. Well...that's kinda it.
SeE Ya
LoVe KaTiE

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  1. ya. i wish i was the one and only, ellen degeneres. unfortunately, im the less famous one. if i was the more famous one i would have a wardrobe CHOCK FULL O' BREAD AND BUTTER STUFF!

  2. Awww..... great idea!

    but you did miss Mondays blogs.... :( No bread and butter to start my week.


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