Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hey everyone, it's Sue,
WOW!! Our Web site has been live only a couple of days and already we've had hits from 4 countries and hundreds of people who like what we are doing. Awesome!

But now we need to sell some shirts! We want to be able to hand a fat check over to our first food pantry partner and then bigger and bigger checks as this takes off. We ordered some of the shirts and they are really great quality and everyone has been asking where they can get them. HERE! Hey, don't wait until we are one of Oprah's "favorite things" and we sell out of all the best designs.(hey, it could happen!)'s Saturday and my parents are visiting for the week. Even they like this idea so I know it has legs. Tomorrow we take my youngest daughter to Blue Man Group for her birthday. Already 10 - I don't know how that happened! Guess what I'll be wearing to the show? Yup, my BREAD + BUTTER t-shirt. We will post some pictures tomorrow. Stay tuned. And please, support our cause and tell absolutely all your friends and family about us. Time for a glass of wine while we finish watching "Escape from Witch Mountain" with the girls.

Remember, a little bread can spread a lot of butter. Good night!!

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  1. I like your logo. Are the two girls in it Katie and Emma?

  2. Yes, they are! The girls came up with the concept themselves (minus the hair which was my husband's idea!). Since this is their mission, we decided the logo should be about them.
    I'm so glad you like it. And thanks for writing!

  3. Hey Sue,
    Celia was asking if the sweat pants come in kid sizes?? She really likes them!


  4. Not yet, but come back and visit the blog regularly. We will be adding new products periodically. Thanks.


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