Monday, August 31, 2009

We can haiku, can you?

Emma and I were talking about ideas to make our blog more interactive and ways we could get people to contribute, in addition to adding comments to our posts. We knew it had to be short and easy and we decided to write some haikus (3-line Japanese poems with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second, and 5 in the third). This is something that pretty much anyone can do. Emma wrote a nice one about our partner, Pettengill House, Inc. Here it is:

Pettengill you help
People around us so we
Want to help you too.

Sweet, isn't it?

Here is mine:

Bread and Butter is
People who care, clothes to wear
You should buy some shirts.

OK, so mine is a bit more salesy, but even poems can have a call to action. Now it's your turn. Send us your own original haiku and maybe we'll post it on our blog. Keep spreading the word.

-Tom and Emma

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  1. Hi peeps!!!!
    i just wanted to say that i think Emma's haiku is kider, cuter, sweeter, and more appealing to the customers! And by far better then my fathers (just for the record)... keep working on those dad. Anyway have you ever considered Sylvan Learning Center????

  2. For the record, I agree that Emma's is better. Did you mean to say 'kinder'? Have you considered proof-reading? :)


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