Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

Hey all, it's Sue,
Exhausted tonight so I'll make it short and sweet. My parents are visiting and go back to Florida on Sunday. The girls just got back from play practice and we are having cake and ice cream. Mom is wearing her bread + butter shirt of course!!

We are excited about our expansion and the opportunities ahead as we make our way into the holiday shopping season - I know, it seems too early to use the word "holiday" but we are learning that in this business you have to plan for it WAY ahead of time. The Halloween Tote Bags are selling fast. Get yours today - the sale is only on through October 20th! (it's a good deal)

More tomorrow. Time for "Modern Family" and bed. Have you seen that show? Pretty funny. I guess because it's sort of where we are these days.

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  1. Love Modern Family. Great new show. There was a scene during the first episode when the son needed a punishment for shooting his sister, and the whole family had to refer to their calendars to see if it would be possible to schedule said punishment around their other obligtations. I can totally relate. Too busy with everything the kids need to do and not enough time to do more important stuff, like helping people. How do you guys find the time?


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