Monday, December 14, 2009

You say tomato, I say tom-ah-to

We're turning our attention to the Granite State this week, and focusing our efforts on how we can help the NH Food Bank - as well as our other New England partners - not only in December, but over the next several months. Did you know that NH Food Bank is calling December Canned Tomato Month? That means, you can host your own food drive, with a focus on canned tomato products, and help thousands of people in need. Don't have time to pull together a food drive of your own? Find more ways to support NH Food Bank on their website, or purchase a bread + butter product from now through the end of March 2010. And, stay tuned to WMUR-TV later this week for an interview with Katie and Emma, where you can learn more about the bread + butter project's partnership with this great organization.

Random question of the day: In which NH town did bread + butter project team members, Tom and Sue live from 1996 - 2003? Use the "comments" feature below to register your guess. Visit our SHOP


  1. Alisa is right, but it's Windham, not Wyndham. The old-timers in town pronounce it Wind-ham. Thanks for playing!

  2. You say Wind-um, I say Wind-ham. Tomato, tom-ah-to. It's all good!!


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