Friday, January 15, 2010

bread + butter has our first actor endorsement!

Here at b & b headquarters we are SO excited to announce our first actor endorsement! That's right, Caitlin Dwyer, who will appear with Mark Wahlberg in "The Fighter" later this year is a bread + butter fan. She LOVES our products and we couldn't be happier. Hey look, she's wearing Emma's favorite green distressed hoodie! One of our most popular products!

We also included a picture of Caitlin and Mark Wahlberg at the wrap party of the film - very cool! We are looking forward to the movie which is already getting a lot of buzz. Thanks for your support Caitlin and don't forget to spread the word among all those actor types out there! People with high visibility can do a lot to help us sell shirts and feed more hungry families across America.

Happy Friday everyone. Our new Valentine's Line will be coming out THIS WEEKEND. Check back often. ~Sue

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1 comment:

  1. Where is Thursdays comment? Not to kick you in the bum again...


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