Hey all, Sue here.

It's hard to believe that the bread + butter project was a little idea we were kicking around just two short months ago. And now we are branching out to every state in New England with a plan to go national in 2010. Thanks to all of you who have embraced our mission. Your enthusiasm has kept us going on those evenings that we're up working until midnight - which is quite a few these days - wondering if we are really making a difference. I have to say though, it's a very peaceful time of day - no phones ringing, beepers buzzing or kids making demands. Not half bad.

Quite honestly, it has become increasingly challenging to keep up with the blog with all of the girls' commitments and now two of us are hacking and sniffing (me and Emma) so add that to the mix. Do I hear violins? Anyway, as long as the swine flu stays away, we will trudge on. It is becoming pretty widespread in our school system. Are you finding that as well?
Anyway, we will announce yet another partnership tomorrow and have some hunger stats. Stay tuned and don't forget to get your bread + butter holiday shopping done early while the selection is still good and items are in stock!
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