Hey all you b & b followers - Happy Monday. So we had fun watching the Grammy Awards last night. I thought the Elton John/Lady Ga Ga performance was sheer genuius. Also enjoyed the spinning Pink number. Beyonce looked beautiful, as did Taylor Swift. Katy Perry is just...yuck. Sorry but there is something so pretentious and annoying about her. Emma has a crush on Justin Bieber - he was so cute but the pairing with Kei$ha was sort of...odd (Tik Tok, Tik Tok). Anyway, enough of my novice review.

Had the day off today and got a lot done. Went to the gym, the dentist and got my 9-year-old Volvo inspected - and it passed! Hey, I love my car and it's paid for so I'm not giving that sucker up until I absolutely have to. Plus it's the family pig mobile and it has the scars to prove it. There is something endearing about that.
I am thinking about pitching the Today show for their TodayMoms segment. Don't you think bread + butter would be a great feature for that? Of course it would! I also connected with a GREAT fashion mom blogger who is going to feature us on her site. Check it out at momgenerations.com. Thanks Audrey!
Okay, dinner is burning, Katie is home from ballet and I think it's time for me to check out. Don't forget to scroll down and view our first video diary. We got great positive response from that so we plan to do more. Also, don't forget to order you LOVE line shirt cuz they will only be available for a couple more weeks!!
Have a great night everyone.
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