Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Make a Difference Day to You!

America's largest day of doing good, Make a Difference Day, is the fourth Saturday in October. That’s today, folks, and I’d like to invite you all join the O’Rourke family and help us make a difference through the bread + butter project. What can you do? There are lots of things, but I’ve prepared a short list of my favorites:

1. If you’re already the proud owner of a bread + butter product, wear it today. Tell people where you got it, why you bought it, and encourage them to visit to learn more. And if you haven’t already, send us a picture of yourself wearing said article so we can add it to our collection of Get Your Bread and Butter On posts on the blog.

2. Subscribe to our blog postings or follow us through Google, or become a bread + butter fan on Facebook, and encourage your friends to do the same.

3. Visit one or more of our nonprofit partners’ websites (upper right column of this page) and learn more about the important work they are doing and how you can support them.

4. Plan to make bread + butter part of your holiday gift giving this year. Add one of our products to your wish list or get an early start on your shopping and order some of our products today.

5. If you’re a parent, encourage your kids to make a difference too. Tell them to check out to get some ideas, and see what other kids are doing.

What are we doing to celebrate Make a Difference Day? Sue, Katie and Emma are participating in a Buddy Walk to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down Syndrome, and I’m researching the benefits of opening a charitable gift fund through Fidelity Investments to potentially increase the amount of support we’re able to give to our nonprofit partners. Sue likes to add random questions of the day to the end of her posts. My not so random question for today is, “What are you doing to make a difference?” Use the comment feature to let us know.

Tune in tomorrow for news on another new food bank partner!


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  1. I made a big chicken casserole for the Saturday Night Meal Program which is sponsored by Central Congregational Church in Newburyport and Pettengil House in Salisbury. This afternoon with the help of many volunteers from Cental, Main Street Congregational and others we will deliver over 300 meals in the Salisbury, Newburyport area. We are in our 12th year of this project!

    Sarah, Newbury MA

  2. Sarah-
    Thanks for your note. That is awesome! Your work is helping to fill a lot of bellies in our community, and that is exactly what we're trying to do through the bread + butter project. Have a great day and keep up the good work!

  3. 300 meals - that's making a difference. Thanks for all you do Sarah!


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