Wednesday, December 30, 2009

bread + butter team welcomes a new year of possibilities!

Hey friends, Sue here. Wow, it's 11:31pm and we are just getting home from a nice holiday dinner with some of my work colleagues. It was a great time, very relaxed with some good conversation and a ton of laughs. Laughing is awesome. It's probably the one thing that rejuvenates me the most.

It's hard to believe that it's New Year's Eve tomorrow. We are very excited to welcome a new year and we are confident that 2010 will bring even more opportunities and growth for the bread + butter brand. We are pleased with the progress we have made in our first four months. We are always so encouraged by our supporters and we are thrilled to be seeing more and more b & b products out there!

Remember, on January 1st we will unveil some new and exciting "limited time" designs that will be available during the month of January only. Stay tuned. More tomorrow. Time for mama to hit the hay. Night!

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  1. My day isn't complete until I read the BreadandButter daily blog. BLOG ON!!!

  2. hi! happy new year! keep spreading the word guys! u already have like, 8/24 kids in mary and toms class doin' it! yay! happy almost 2010!!!!!!!!!!!


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